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Thursdays: 7 - 8:30pm EST
The masterclass will be recorded.
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Thursdays: 7 - 8:30pm EST
Thursdays: 7 - 8:30pm EST
Dr. Mike has been studying these topics since 2002 and teaching seminars and classes since his time in full-time ministry in 2006.
Starting in 2002, God has orchestrated what's been a 22-year long journey into understanding the Hebraic context of the Bible, how to connect the dots between the Old and New Testaments, and understanding how the biblical holidays are prophetic rehearsals for the Messiah's first and second coming.
His passion and calling is to help others understand these topics and raise up leaders in the earth for the end times - those whom the prophet Daniel prophesied would "...know their God, be strong, do exploits... shine as the sun and turn many to righteousness" during the darkest hour that will ever come upon humanity.
Seminar Manual Excerpt: Session 8 - "Introduction to the End Times"
VALUE: $97
This will literally save you 100's of hours of studying! Learn: 1) the biblical context for the end times, 2) why you NEVER START studying end times with the book of Revelation, and 3) God's purposes for the end times.
Understanding Yom Teruah as the Prophetic Rehearsal for the Resurrection and the Rapture
VALUE: $97
This remarkable study explains the fall biblical holiday of Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah) and shows you its direct biblical connection to the end times, the timing of Jesus' second return, and the rapture!
“My favorite part was learning how the Fall Feasts of the Lord are a rehearsal for the Messiah’s second coming, and how that fits into the last 7 years.
Thanks for the timeline, it’s very easy to follow.
Thank you Mike for sharing your study and heart. This seminar is a blessing!”
Randa W.
“This seminar has completely shaken up everything that I’ve ever learned in church before.
Everything in the Bible and about Jesus and the end times makes so much more sense.”
Tara L. T.
“It’s awesome to realize that we really can know so much about the end times.
I’ve been frustrated about that topic because I felt like I had the patches of a quilt, but didn’t know how or want to put it all together.
You put it together.
Thank you Mike!”
Alison G.
“While there are many ‘kingdom’ teachings during this time, many of us have failed to emphasize the necessity of teaching about the role of Israel.
It is impossible to gain full revelation about the Kingdom of God without the knowledge of God’s chosen people, Israel.”
Karessa F.
“I can’t thank you enough for all the work you have gone through to present this seminar.
I’ve been studying the end times and book of Revelation for a while and your seminar gave me an understanding that so far had been missing for me.
The way you tied the entire Bible into understanding the book of Revelation is something I have not seen anywhere else."
Judy B.
“I believe the passionate heart of our heavenly Father is witnessed by those who hear these teachings.
The challenge is not the opening of our ears alone, but the opening of our hearts.
Thank you for following the calling the Lord has given to Voice of Judah International Ministries.”
David S.
“Mike has such excitement and enthusiasm about Israel that it’s contagious.
I have more desire to honor and celebrate the Lord’s Feasts.
The session on the origins of Mystery Babylon helped me understand how Satan has counterfeited God’s truths and influenced Christianity.”
Beverly M.
“The message and word Mike delivered at our church was timely.
It is imperative for the American church to wake up and understand The Israel Mandate and the end times so that we may stand strong until the very end because we have knowledge along with revelation from God's Word and His Spirit.
Bless God for Voice of Judah International Ministries!”
Ellen D.
Thursdays: 7 - 8:30pm EST